So we will all move up our celebrations from the 23rd to the 18th (not that I ever celebrated the 23rd) in honor of the eventual paratext printings! Fascinating. There is one reference I did not understand, "while Christopher Marlowe’s translation suggests that this is some highbrow literary work, sophisticated readers would ..."
Yeah, at some point there was a credit to Marlowe in the text and it got dropped somehow, thanks for pointing out the confusion. Marlowe's first published work was his translation of Ovid's Amores which was more dirtier than the relatively tame Metamorphoses, so while the translation suggests that this work is not some vile slop for conceited wits, but the pure draft of the muses springs, anyone who recognized the quote would be clued in that this is dirty Ovid, not PG Ovid.
So we will all move up our celebrations from the 23rd to the 18th (not that I ever celebrated the 23rd) in honor of the eventual paratext printings! Fascinating. There is one reference I did not understand, "while Christopher Marlowe’s translation suggests that this is some highbrow literary work, sophisticated readers would ..."
to be clear, we know that Christopher Marlowe translated the Latin at the top of the first printing?
Yeah, at some point there was a credit to Marlowe in the text and it got dropped somehow, thanks for pointing out the confusion. Marlowe's first published work was his translation of Ovid's Amores which was more dirtier than the relatively tame Metamorphoses, so while the translation suggests that this work is not some vile slop for conceited wits, but the pure draft of the muses springs, anyone who recognized the quote would be clued in that this is dirty Ovid, not PG Ovid.
Many thanks for that clarification.